Danny Steele ~ The grower |
It’s been a funny season and the damp weather throughout last year took its toll on certain things. Many of the savoy cabbages which are normal in their prime now have rotted in the ground and the January King cabbage, in season now as their name suggests have suffered from mildew growing inside their hearts as have the Brussels sprouts. We’ve picked the best of the remaining cabbages for the share this week before they all pass their best. The January King cabbages are particularly sweet and tasty at the moment. They are the ones with dark green and purple outer leaves and a creamy pale green heart. I enjoyed them raw sliced fresh into my packed lunch at the farm.
The new growing season is rapidly approach with the days noticeably longer. With the weather slightly milder I tentatively sowed the first hardy salad leaves of the year – rocket, mizuna, tatsoi etc. The next polytunnel will arrive soon so it’s time prepare the site to put that up. I’ve ordered the first early plants to come in March so no time to loose.
Danny Steele